Monday, November 30, 2009

Let the magic commence...

While my fellow actors have been hitting the streets of Savannah for who knows what sort of mischief... I have been contemplating the meaning of life in my prop box... It is a bit dark, and claustrophobic, but I have a couple staffs and a cross to ward off Teddy Vampires... And I dream of the warm glow that will commence tomorrow morning, bright and early, and all is well...

Savannah - Home of the Candy Kitchen!

Safely made it to Savannah! Annual pilgrimage to the Candy Kitchen! Chocolate, Candy, Pralines, Taffy, and other assorted goodies! Best trip ever... and we haven't even started yet!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

First Stop: Savannah!

I can't wait! Savannah is one of my FAVORITE cities, and we'll be there in just a few short hours. Show, Schmoe, it's all about eating at Mrs. Wilkes'!

BCPE 2009 hits the road!!!

Every year, Bobo gets excited over working with a new batch of actors on his long-running production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". This year... is no exception!

What adventures await for Bobo this year? And will it drive him completely over the edge and into rehab?! Stay tuned...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Putting It Together...

There's Gonna Be Trouble

The 'Doily' Brigade

Ready for Action!